DUI First Offense Laws
Michigan's drunk driving laws are among the strictest in the nation, even for first offendors. Even a relatively minor charge can result in a significant fine, jail sentence, and many hours of community service. Get caught a second time and you could spend up to a year in jail. You can be convicted of:
- Operating while intoxicated (OWI)
- Unlawful bodily alcohol level/content (UBAL/UBAC)
- Operating while visibly impaired (OWVI)
You can just go ahead and accept the consequences the court lays down upon you. You can also try to defend yourself. However, the chances you will have a favorable legal outcome on your own is very low.
Attorney Joseph F. Awad, however, is a powerful ally to have on your side.
If you go into court on your own, you are at a disadvantage because you don't know the rules and how the system works. However, Attorney Awad has extensive experience helping his clients receive favorable legal outcomes. If you would like to benefit from his knowledge of first offense DUI laws, use this form to contact Attorney Awad for a free consultation, or call toll-free 24 hours per day at 877-692-7463.
One client, whose name has to remain anonymous, had his DUI charge reduced from an expensive “operating while intoxicated” charge to careless driving, a harmless traffic offense. Another client paid a small $150 fine after being charged with drunk driving and ultimately getting the charge dismissed. Attorney Joseph F. Awad clearly has the experience and skills to help you, as he has for so many other satisfied clients.
Even though it's embarrassing when you face prosecution via first offense DUI laws, the reality is that facing these charges isn't the end of the world. The charge is serious, but if you have someone with experience and competence helping you navigate the system, you have an excellent chance of avoiding the worse consequences and possibly avoiding a conviction altogether.
Increasing Penalties Following a First Offense
Each time you are convicted of a DUI, the consequences you experience are increased significantly. An additional benefit you will receive is that, should your first offense be successfully resolved and you are charged with a DUI again, the potential consequences, as a first offense, would be substantially less than if you were facing a repeat offense DUI.
Attorney Joseph F. Awad will thoroughly review video evidence, police reports, police procedures, and every other additional inquiry to ensure your rights are thoroughly protected. To ensure you receive justice, contact Attorney Awad to set up a free consultation now at 877-692-7463, or use the contact form.