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Under the Influence? What to know about Marijuana

Posted by Joseph Awad | Jan 29, 2015 | 0 Comments

Marijuana laws can be confusing; in some states, recreational marijuana is no longer criminalized.  But in Michigan, recreational marijuana is illegal.  Alcohol, on the other hand, is legal.  Yet should you get caught driving intoxicated, there are serious legal consequences.

How much marijuana is required to be considered “under the influence?”

The argument is still unresolved as to just how much THC in the system one needs to be considered legally impaired. Studies have determined however that drivers with a THC measurement of 5-10 ng/ml seem to be impaired to the point that they tend to have a higher risk of causing an accident. These same studies have shown that marijuana smokers with THC measurements at 5 ng/ml or below appear to be no more at risk for causing an accident than a completely sober driver.

How long does marijuana remain detectable in the system?

This is another complex determination. Though one dose of marijuana can send THC levels above 100 ng/ml 10 minutes right after the inhalation, THC levels can also decrease very quickly within 3-4 hours dropping below 4 ng/ml. Also, frequent marijuana users can have high THC levels even after days of abstaining from the drug. This fact generates serious concern for those who are legally taking medical marijuana for pain and illnesses.

The best advice that can be given to drivers is to abstain from marijuana; and if you are legally taking medical marijuana, always carry proper identification with you if you must drive. If you have any questions or concerns on the matter, make sure to contact us today!

About the Author

Joseph Awad

The Law Office of Joseph F. Awad is lead by Attorney and Counselor Awad himself. Attorney Jospeh F. Awad completed his undergraduate studies from Wayne State University, receiving a Philosophy Honors Bachelor's degree, cum laude. Upon completion, Joseph lived and worked in Washington D.C. and cle...


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