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Contact Information: Southfield Police Department

Southfield Police Department
26000 Evergreen Rd.
P O Box 2055
Southfield, MI 48037-2055

Phone numbers:
Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency: (248) 796-5500
Chief of Police: (248) 796-5300
Alarm Billing: (248) 796-5546
Auto Theft: (248) 796-5547/5576
Court Services: (248) 796-5570
Crime Prevention: (248) 796-5400
Detective Bureau: (248) 796-5540
Downtown Station: (248) 796-5400
Patrol Front Desk: (248) 796-5500
Property: (248) 796-5510
Records Bureau: (248) 796-5580

Your OWI/ Criminal Defense Lawyer

Being arrested for drunk driving (OWI) or any criminal offense can be very scary; but bouncing back better than ever starts with finding the right attorney - a lawyer who understands you and the charge you're facing. Having handled countless cases across Michigan has earned me the reputation, expertise, and understanding to navigate your case the right way. As as solo practitioner, your case is my top priority. It will remain my top priority as I work every angle to accomplish our mutual goals of keeping your record clean, avoiding jail, and maintaining your driving privileges. Work and family are top priorities; everything I do for you is an extension of the many responsibilities you have and the people who rely on you. Call today for the peace of mind of consulting a legal expert best suited to keeping your life moving in the right direction.
